Commands for TREK-16 by Charles Roslund / Tom Mix Software: NOTE 1: The game is turn based, not real time. NOTE 2: Almost all prompts for row, column are in the form of Y,X M - MOVE: prompts for R(ow) & C(olumn) Displacement (Y & X offsets from where player is) W - WARP: Actually execute the warp defined from the M command. Warp factor is how many rows/columns one is moving on the short range sensor part of the screen. P - PHASER: prompts for R & C (actual row and column within quadrant, not displacement like MOVE?), and energy units to fire. S - SHIELDS (change shield status & energy). Note energy is how much you are increasing or decreasing the current setting by. D - DOCK (with starbase) R - REPAIR T - (Photon) TORPEDOES - Prompts for how many to fire, and which R & C to fire at in current quadrant. DR - DEATH RAY B - (Star)BASE locator